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Community Gateway is COVID-Safe

Our teams across the Illawarra, Shoalhaven and Kempsey provide vital services to the elderly and people with a disability. To date, we are proud of how our teams have adapted to the COVID-19 restrictions in place, and how they continue to provide genuine care to our clients.

Since the initial lockdown in March, we have taken multiple measures to ensure the health and safety of our clients, staff and volunteers. We are committed to continuing these practices and encourage anyone who comes into contact with a Community or Programs Worker to do the same.


Our team are consistently up-skilling in COVID safety measures and in July, we were certified as a COVID Safe business. In line with this certification, we record the names and contact details of anyone who enters our Community Hubs, as well as adhering to social distancing guidelines and personal hygiene.


For the time being, we have limited the amount of Programs taking place in our Hubs. We understand that participants are keen to get back to their art, cooking and technology groups, however current Government guidelines restrict numbers to a maximum of 4 sqm per person in our Hubs at any given time. Where possible, we have moved Programs online and will strive to make this a viable option moving forward so that anyone can access our services, regardless of geography or other limiting factors.

Hygiene Stations & PPE

Throughout each of our Hubs, hand sanitiser and hand wash is readily available. Any non-staff who walk through our doors are required to leave their name and contact details. For care and social assistance carried out in our clients’ homes, all staff comply with NSW state standards by wearing the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and socially distancing where possible.

We are committed to ensuring the health of everyone during this time and ask that you do not visit your local Hub unless approved by your Programs Worker or Support Coordinator. We look forward to seeing all of you back in our Hubs as soon as it is safe and possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call our friendly team on 1300 657 473.


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